July 19, 2012

Staying Awake

We’ve all been there. It’s late at night; you’re driving through because you have somewhere to be. The family is asleep and all is still. There are hardly any lights and everyone decided to stay off the road tonight. This can be hypnotic, how can one keep their eyes open? Driving in need of rest can be dangerous but sometimes you’re not sleepy, you just need an extra kick. Here we share with you a few ways we use to stay awake.


No, we’re not yelling at you. If you’re tired, a free way to re-kick start your engine is to stop driving and move your body around. Staying sedentary for several hours without moving muscles, other than those foot related, has a way of putting your body to sleep. The action-less position itself is simulating sleep in a strange position. Your body will respond by increasing melatonin production, which will put you to sleep. Walking or stretching reminds your brain you’re still awake and need your senses. Getting the blood pumping again will stave off the sleep for a good while.


For most people, when asked how they stay awake, their first response is to drink caffeine. Many people even go as far as an extreme caffeine fill with energy drinks. Although it may wake you up now, the truth is you are in for a rapid decline later. While the impact is different for everyone, often times the drinks make you feel much more tired later than you would have been otherwise. To avoid this, it would be wise to drink green tea. For avid coffee drinkers, this could serve as a break from the black stuff. Green tea has many helpful properties but it also contains caffeine. It can be served cold or hot and even a little sugar to taste. Not only will you feel refreshed, you’ll be revived!

Staying Chilly

Driving in the summer is fun when the windows are down and wind through your hair makes you feel like you’re in a car commercial. Warm weather is like snuggling a warm blanket and therein lies the problem. Letting the night air hit your face does not really keep you awake. The warm air rushes in and once you roll up the window it stays. Warmth makes you sleepy and the summer air encourages that fact. While you want to be comfortable when you’re driving for so long, keep the cabin cooler.

Do you use these tips to stay awake? Let us know in the comments below your favorite method!

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