Mobile Remedies
When leaving for a camping trip or RV destination, first aid is not something most of us overlook. Knowing that you’ll be in the wilderness gives way to the likelihood of getting cuts and scrapes. But sometimes we forget to restock or run out when it’s inconvenient to get more. Here are a few remedies using items you probably have in your camper.
One of the ouches that linger the longest are bruises. If you find yourself being physical over rocks and trails, you might fall and get one. A bruise isn’t something that can really be dealt with by a first aid kit. Most people try to ice the spot but other than that there aren’t too many options. One of the better solutions to ease this pain is vinegar. Dip a cotton ball in white vinegar and keep it on the bruise for an hour. This will reduce visibility and speed up healing.
Perhaps you've walked too much or grabbed too many tree branches. Your skin has been rubbed raw and a blister has formed. Once the blister has popped, it will be tender and be open for infection. At this point, it’s time to pull out the mouthwash! Drip a little on top of the broken area and let it soak in. The chemicals act as an antiseptic for both your teeth and skin.
Going along with trees and climbing, it’s possible to get a little piece of wood buried in your finger. Splinters sting but must come out. A quick way to avoid the hassle of poking and prodding of tweezers is by using glue! Dab some on the skin and let it dry. Then, peel it off and the splinter should come right out!
These are a few handy ways to avoid a quick trip to the store when you’re in the middle of an adventure. What are some of your favorite remedies? Let us know in the comments below!
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